VERSION 10.5.6
for Android

Copyright © 2014 - 2022, HiPER Labs
The calculator has up to 100 digits of significand and 9 digits of exponent. It detects repeating decimals and numbers in it can be also entered as fractions or converted to fractions.
You can write expressions in a natural way and watch your calculations. The result is displayed as a number, simplified expression etc.
The calculator has several layouts suitable for various screen sizes:
“pocket” for small devices
“compact” for smartphones (in portrait and landscape orientation)
“expanded” for tablets
The multiline display can be turned on in tablets to show the complete history of calculations and to provide access the previous results.
The users can choose from several high-quality themes.
The calculator features
basic arithmetic operations including percentage, modulo and negation;
fractions (in the expression mode any expression including nested fractions can be entered as a nominator and a denominator);
mixed numbers;
periodic numbers and their conversion to fractions;
unlimited number of braces;
operator priority;
repeated operations;
equations (with one or more variables, systems of equations);
variables and symbolic computation;
derivatives and integrals;
graphs of functions, equations and integral area, 3D graphs;
calculation details - extended information about a calculation like all complex roots, unit circle etc.;
matrices and vectors;
regression analysis;
complex numbers;
conversion between rectangular and polar coordinates;
sums and products of series;
advanced number operations such as random numbers, combinations, permutations, common greatest divisor, etc.;
trigonometric and hyperbolic functions;
powers, roots, logarithms, etc.;
degrees, minutes and seconds conversion;
fixed point, scientific and engineering display format;
display exponent as SI units prefix;
memory operations with 10 extended memories;
clipboard operations with various clipboard formats;
result history;
binary, octal and hexadecimal numeral systems;
logical operations;
bitwise shifts and rotations;
haptic feedback;
more than 90 physical constants;
conversion among 200 units;
RPN mode.
The calculator has many settings to manage the full screen mode, decimal and thousand separators, etc.
All features are described with a built-in help.
If you have any questions, requests for new functionality or you have found a bug, please, contact us by email:
Version history:
Quick tour
New button setting: Style of key titles (Casio style or Sharp style)
New display setting: One cursor position in a placeholder
Functions working with matrix elements
New language: Turkish
Regression analysis
New details: Graph of regression function and points, mean squared error, etc.
Pearson correlation coefficient
Statistical functions can have data in the parameter arranged vertically
New function: Table
New detail: Graph of table function
New prefixes of SI units
Sorting of prefixes of SI units in menu
New languages: Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Slovak, Swedish
New detail: Domain of expression
Parallel operator
New key in custom keyboards: switch to another keyboard
New languages: Czech and Polish
New detail: Interval notation of inequality result
New detail: Number line with inequality result
New setting: Bracket types in interval notation
New detail: Graph of limits
New detail: Polar graph
Decimal point in scientific and engineering notations can be shifted manually in details
New setting: Display powers of ten in E notation
Function parentheses can be deleted and inserted elsewhere
Addition and subtraction can follow each other without an operand in between
Arithmetics with infinities
Sum and product of infinite series
Definite integral with infinite limits
Limit (left, right, both-sided)
New detail: Other types of limit
New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant and their inverse and hyperbolic variants
New function: decimal part
Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
New menus in custom keyboards: trigonometry, inverse trigonometry, combinatorics, custom variables and functions
New language: Ukrainian
Statistics supports grouped data (place frequencies to the second row of matrix in parameter)
Statistical functions: coefficient of variance, standard deviation of mean
Rounding functions
Matrix integrals and derivatives
Kronecker method of polynomial factorization
Factorization is available in the new function Factorize or in the details
Equation system with parameters
Gamma function
Graph value labels can be displayed in multiples of π
Atan2 separated from arctan
Export of all details as an image
Statistical functions
New detail: Statistics
Equations with matrices
Matrix inverse added to MTRX menu
>BASE menu available in custom keyboards
Numerical method of solving equations improved
Complex menu key available in custom keyboards
"Division with remainders" detail displayed also for polynomials
Delta percentage function
HISTORY key added to variable value editing
Matrices and vectors
Matrix and vector functions: determinant, echelon form, trace, cross product, ...
New detail: Matrix properties
Double and tripple zeros function (in the OTHER key menu)
Custom layouts: keys in the top row may have second functions
Inverse trigonometric equations
New display setting: Required delay to clear the display
New languages: French and Italian
Custom keyboard layouts (see Help / Settings)
Copying of keys between layouts
Export and import of custom layouts
New built-in layouts: "Casio-like" and "Simple - Scientific"
Reset Settings window improved
Trigonometric equations improved
"Ans" function (in "OTHER" menu and Casio-like layout)
"All Roots" vs. "Principal root" expression setting
Sums and products
Hyperbolic trigonometric equations
All expression roots on the display
Integration of expressions with constants (e.g. "sin(nx)")
Improved integration of compound fractions
Language settings
Substitution method for equation systems
Numerical method for equations
ANS key renamed to HISTORY
New detail: derivatives of a result
New detail: indefinite integrals of a result
Graph of an equation with two unknowns
Graph of equation system with two unknowns
New special values in graph: minima, maxima and inflex points
Warnings in ambiguous situations (e.g. probably wrong angular unit)
Equations (polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, ...)
Systems of equations
New detail: graph of equation
New display settings: blinking cursor
New expression setting: immediate evaluation can be turned off
New button setting: system sound
Improvements in performance and calculation
User defined functions
Import and export of variables, functions, memories
Subscript and superscript in identifiers
Bulk delete of variables, functions and memories
Dark mode on Android 10
New detail: partial fractions
Integration by partial fractions
Improved evaluation of calculation details
Factorial performance optimization
Stack in RPN mode is not cleared when AC key is pressed on error
3D graphs
New setting: move graph with one finger
Physical constants updated to 2018 CODATA
Unsigned types in non-decimal bases (enable in Settings / N-base)
X and Y axes in graph can be changed separately
Amoled theme
LAST X command in RPN mode
New distance and speed units
Function graphs (press More... button to see the graph of the function entered on the display)
Graph of definite integral area
New detail: polynomial factorization
New help page with calculation details
New conversion units (torque units, angle units, poundal, gigapascal, mTorr, nanojoul, ...)
Ads can be turned on to get all features
Display font size setting
Button click volume setting
New modern themes
Gamma function (rational and negative factorial)
Percentage detail
Result format is opened on tap on the result (clipboard window is opened on long-tap)
Sound effect on click
Editing value in unit conversion
Responsive design of unit conversion
Favorite units and constants
"Hide navigation buttons" setting
Constants can be inserted as symbols
Complex roots of rational powers added to calculation details
Symbolic logarithm and root calculations improved
New conversion units and constants
"Operand grouping" setting
Full symbolic computation (Pro)
Variables (Pro)
Stored expressions (Pro)
Copy and paste of any type of expression
Result history items can be deleted individually
RPN mode: X register is duplicated when pressing Enter
RPN mode: percentage calculation improved
New detail: division with remainders
Bugfixes and minor improvements
Atan2 function - enter as arcus tangens with 2 parameters
New detail: parity bit in nondecimal bases
New detail: graph of complex roots
Mathematical constants
Powers with rational exponent improved
Bugfixes and minor improvements
Calculation details (Pro version) - extended information about a calculation like
prime factorization
all complex roots
unit circle
various result formats, etc.
Reverse Polish notation
Hardware keyboard support
Modulo extended to the complex range
x<=>E button in classic and RPN mode
Spanish translation
Bugfixes and performance improvements
Entering exponent as SI unit prefix
New setting: Indian style of digit grouping
New setting: clear display on startup
Improved result format (x<=>E) and decimal number format (FSE) setting
Improved fraction calculations in classic mode
Improved sexagesimal numbers in classic mode
Improved memory window
Bugfixes and minor improvements
GCD and LCM can have multiple parameters
Improved complex numbers evaluation
More percentage calculations can be combined in an expression
Improved Settings dialog
New settings for 2ndF key title (shift) and division key title (slash)
New setting for leading zeros in non-decimal bases
Distinguished Kibibyte and kilobyte etc.
Second and third powers have editable exponents
Left and right arrows and backspace key are repeated while kept pressed
Conversion between any angle units in compact mode
Settings, memory and result history reset moved to relevant windows
Bugfixes and minor improvements
Complex numbers
Conversion between rectangular and polar coordinates
German translation
Tapping on an expression in the result history copies it into the display
Result history items are divided according to the date of creation
An option to place multiline display on the left side
Bugfixes and minor improvements
Mixed numbers in expression mode
Physical constants updated to 2014 CODATA
New unit conversions
Errors in expression highlighted after pressing =
Numbers in pocket mode extended to 12 decimal places
Minus at the beginning of exponent negates exponent
Bugfixes and minor improvements
Full expression editing
Symbolic computation - when possible, results of expressions are simplified and displayed using fractions, square roots, etc.
Fractions can contain any functions, nested fractions, etc.
Immediate evaluation of expressions
Built-in help
Grains unit
Bugfixes and minor improvements
RCL and STO keys open window with a memory list
Expression can contain numbers of various bases
Minus key at the beginning of expression functions as unary minus
Bugfixes and minor improvements
Multiline display (tablets)
Minus key negates exponent right after pressing EXP key
Bugfixes and minor improvements
Backspace can delete the whole expression
Bugfixes and minor improvements
Performance improvements (especially when calculating with lower precision)
Thousandth separator setting (different from thousand separator)
Themed status bar (from Android 5.0)
Minor improvements)
Expression mode (Pro version)
watch expression while typing
prefix notation of unary operations
Decimal point key title according to settings
Luxfer theme added (Pro version)
Performance improvements
About window changed
Minor UI improveements and bug fixes
Users can choose from 4 high quality themes.
new clipboard formats
clipboard window opens when tapping the display
Calculation precision and performance improvements
Euler's number
Long-click shift
Minor UI improvements
Bug fixes
conversion between 200 units
more than 90 physical constants
bugfixes and minor improvements
pocket mode - view mode suitable for small screens. It contains basic operations, square root, fractions and repeating decimals
minor improvements
expanded view for tablets
repeated operations
haptic feedback
bugfixes and minor improvements
first version with most functionality

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